Losing It...

There's not one fucking bean of natural caffeinated coffee in this house, I'm losing my mind, but at least I'm alone and I can play my ungodly music at a volume range reaching 600 decibels. It's this music, not any specific band or era, that i can thank or blame for most of the important life choices made up to this juncture. Although it's not really about punk rock or hardcore. It's about whiskey nights and sunrise cruises, too high on adrenaline to feel hung over yet. It's about going to shows and throwing down as if every tour was the last one a band would ever play. Waking up with bruised shoulders, split lips, and sore buccinator muscles because we didn't stop smiling through four bands respective sets. When your front tire bites in and the moment is frozen as momentum whips you through the turn. As fucked up as shit seems to be right now, I've still got that feeling, I still have a passion that those fuckers can't strip me of, beat me and jail me as they please.
Signing Off

For Fun:

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